Thursday 26 October 2017

how to make gujarat atta ka sheera recipe

gujarati Atta ka Sheera Recipe
Atta ka Sheera Recipe

Gujarati Atta ka Sheera Recipe:

Atta ka Sheera Recipe could be very healthful and smooth recipe which may be taken as morning breakfast. Atta ka Sheera Recipes are made from wheat flour and jaggery.


  • 1 cup Wheat flour coarsely ground
  • 1/4 cup Ghee
  • 1/2 cup Jaggery
  •  1 and 1/4 cup warm milk (approximately)
  • Chopped Almond to garnish

Atta ka Sheera Recipe Method:

  1. Heat milk and hold aside.
  2. Heat a pan and add ghee and wheat flour in it. Keep the gasoline stove on medium flame. Continuously stir the flour until it modifications shade to red.
  3. Slowly upload warm milk in the above aggregate and constantly stir the mixture. Add approximately 1 and 1/4 cup or until the aggregate can take in the milk.
To be continued>>> Atta ka Sheera Recipe